Trajectory_overview files (.png): - Data points are every 5 minutes. - "Plus" symbols: points in orbit *before* perihelion. - "Dots": points in orbit *after* perihelion. The first "dot" is usually the perihelion. - White symbols: this part of the trajectory is within the nearside solar hemisphere - Gray or red symbols: this part of the trajectory is within the farside solar hemisphere. - The white circle is the solar photospheric limb - Time labels appear above symbols (dots or plusses) whenever they change color or shape. - Times are corrected such that they corresponds to the UTC time stamps in the usual solar maps produced by Sun-observing Earth-based and space-based observatories (corrected for time-of-flight, etc). Other files (.sav): - "Trajectory_HEEQ_Earth_STEREOAB.sav": - 3-D HEEQ positions, and (x,y) projections for Earth, STEREO A and STEREO B observations): - (x,y) coordinates (arcsecs from Sun center) are actually corrected (i.e. rotated) for spacecraft roll angle! (In order that they are straightforward to overplot on a map produced by the ssw's mapping utilities.). Need to rotate by the map's roll angle to get "true" solar (x,y). - "JPL_sol58.sav": - Ephemeris as seen from Earth, STEREO-A and STEREO-B, computed from JPL Horizons. Later, I'll compute this from SPICE, once the GEI issue is resolved.