RHESSI Science Nuggets

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Please note that each Nugget page has a <font color="Red">Discussion</font> page, which sometimes has really interesting information.
Please note that each Nugget page has a <font color="Red">Discussion</font> page, which sometimes has really interesting information.
{{Nugget Badge
|title = Narrowband radio signal correlated with early hard X-ray flux during a microflare
|number = 122
|first_author = Henry Aurass
|second_author =
|publish_date = 1 March 2010
|description = RHESSI hard X-ray bursts with  orthogonal radio signatures
|image = icon122.jpg}}
{{Nugget Badge
{{Nugget Badge

Revision as of 19:39, 1 March 2010

Welcome to the RHESSI Science Nuggets: science notes from RHESSI. The following is a time-ordered list of the latest Nuggets added to the wiki. An alphabetical list of wiki Nuggets is also available. If you are looking for older Nuggets than please visit the original series of RHESSI Science Nuggets and use the search facilities there; for this new series of Nuggets in the Wiki format, use your browser's search facility for title words or authors. We welcome volunteer authors - please see our page of help for authors.

Please note that each Nugget page has a Discussion page, which sometimes has really interesting information.

122 Narrowband radio signal correlated with early hard X-ray flux during a microflare
1 March 2010 by Henry Aurass
RHESSI hard X-ray bursts with orthogonal radio signatures. Click the title to read more.
121 Revisiting the SHH and SEP Link
15 February 2010 by James Grayson and Säm Krucker
RHESSI confirms the statistical link between flare hard X-ray spectral evolution and the acceleration of solar energetic particles. Click the title to read more.
120 Two phases of X-ray emission in a solar eruptive flare
1 February 2010 by Bhuwan Joshi
Can the RHESSI early phase of a flare be squeezed into the Rainbow Reconnection Model?. Click the title to read more.
119 Solar Hard X-ray Albedo
18 January 2010 by Ed Schmahl and Gordon Hurford
The elusive hard X-ray albedo source directly imaged at last!. Click the title to read more.
118 Cycle 24 has begun
5 January 2010 by Hugh Hudson and Greg Slater
Activity has increased sufficiently to state that we have left the doldrums at last.. Click the title to read more.
117 Relative and (maybe) Absolute RHESSI Detector Efficiency: 2002-2008
22 December 2009 by Jim McTiernan
The thousands of flares observed by RHESSI are used to intercalibrate its nine detectors, and we also use the standard GOES soft X-ray data as an external reference. Click the title to read more.
116 A tiny white-light flare‎
7 December 2009 by Hugh Hudson
A faint white-light flare serves as a model for the continuous energy distribution of the impulsive phase. Click the title to read more.
115 Dips and Waves
23 November 2009 by Iain Hannah and Eduard Kontar
The inclusion of wave-particle interactions appears to have a drastic effect on the classical thick-target model for flare hard X-ray emission.. Click the title to read more.
114 STEREO observations of flares and their associations with CMEs
10 November 2009 by Nariaki Nitta
Is it possible to distinguish flares associated with major CMEs from those not associated with them, on the basis of hard X-ray images?. Click the title to read more.
113 Imaging through visibility interpolation: uv-smooth
23 October 2009 by A. M. Massone, M. Piana and A. G. Emslie
RHESSI visibilities allow incredibly fast and robust imaging of solar flares. Read this nugget and you'll learn how.. Click the title to read more.
112 A Bad Time for Flares but a Good Time for Debris
12 October 2009 by W. Dean Pesnell
Orbital debris - dangerous to satellites in low Earth orbit - has been increasing recently. There are solar and non-solar reasons for this.. Click the title to read more.
111 RHESSI Deep Integrations
29 September 2009 by Pascal Saint-Hilaire
With an extremely deep integration, RHESSI may have detected X-rays from the base of a post-CME current sheet.. Click the title to read more.
110 RHESSI in Cycle 24
14 September 2009 by Säm Krucker and Hugh Hudson
RHESSI has successfully imaged one of the first flares of Cycle 24 in hard X-rays. Click the title to read more.
109 Confined Flares versus Eruptive Flares
31 August 2009 by Jie Zhang
Eruptions tend not to happen for events that occur deep within an active region. Click the title to read more.
108 Solar Cosmic Rays of the GLE on 20 January 2005
24 August 2009 by Sophie Masson & Ludwig Klein
The relativistic solar protons of this event are related to an extended impulsive phase in the low corona. Click the title to read more.
107 CMEless Flares
12 August 2009 by Hugh Hudson & Säm Krucker
Major flares without CMEs have distinguishing X-ray properties. Click the title to read more.
106 Where are the flares
21 July 2009 by Hugh Hudson & Leif Svalgaard
The rise to maximum of Cycle 24 is much weaker, in terms of flare occurrence, than Cycle 23.. Click the title to read more.
105 The 15.11 MeV Gamma-ray Line Detected?
6 July 2009 by Brian Dennis
Carol Crannell's favorite gamma-ray line may have been detected at last. Click the title to read more.
104 Do solar decimetric spikes originate in coronal X-ray sources?
22 June 2009 by Arnold Benz & Marina Battaglia
A surprise: radio and hard X-ray positions do not agree. Click the title to read more.
103 STEREO observed stealth CME
8 June 2009 by Eva Robbrecht
Spectacular coronal effects with no chromospheric counterpart. Click the title to read more.
102 Hard X-ray Pulsations in Flares
25 May 2009 by Andrew Inglis & Valery Nakariakov
"Coronal seismology" via hard X-rays and microwaves. Click the title to read more.
101 RHESSI microflares - Flare Cartoons and Reality
11 May 2009 by Sigrid Berkebile-Stoiser
Do the standard cartoon models of solar flares describe the microflares as well?. Click the title to read more.
100 RHESSI - Concept to Fruition
29 April 2009 by Brian Dennis & Bob Lin
A brief history of RHESSI.. Click the title to read more.
99 Cycle 24 - don't panic yet!
13 April 2009 by Leif Svalgaard and Hugh Hudson
Cycle 24 is definitely late in arriving, and it's interesting, but this probably has happened before.. Click the title to read more.
98 Chree Analysis for Flares
30 March 2009 by Hugh Hudson
Exploring Chree analysis as applied to total solar irradiance measurements of flares.. Click the title to read more.
97 High Temperatures in Active Regions
16 March 2009 by Jim McTiernan
RHESSI discovers high temperatures, well above those of the corona, in quiescent active regions.. Click the title to read more.
96 The Jakimiec Track
2 March 2009 by Hugh Hudson and Fabio Reale
A recent re-analysis of the relationship between emission measure and temperature in flares stimulates this new nugget.. Click the title to read more.
95 Coronal implosion
16 February 2009 by Rui Liu
Though we expect flare implosions, we frequently observe explosions (i.e. eruptions). In this nugget, an observation of a contracting flare is described and analyzed.. Click the title to read more.
94 Other Discoveries from Carrington's Flare
2 February 2009 by Hugh Hudson
link=Other Discoveries from Carrington%27s Flare
During the sesquicentennial of the Carrington flare, let us not forget how "Space Weather" got its start.. Click the title to read more.
93 Collapsing Traps
21 January 2009 by Boris Somov and Hugh Hudson
Large-scale plasma motions, as in magnetic reconnection, can directly accelerate high-energy particles.. Click the title to read more.
92 RHESSI Simulations of Complicated Flares
5 January 2009 by Lyndsay Fletcher and Jim McTiernan
Comparing RHESSI images with ones simulated from TRACE "white light" reveals striking similarities but intriguing differences.. Click the title to read more.
91 Cycle 24
22 December 2008 by Hugh Hudson and Steven Christe
Solar cycle 24 seems to be delayed. Where are the spots? This Nugget discusses the problem and reviews the recent Solar24 meeting, the first in our field to be Wikified.. Click the title to read more.
90 Inverse Compton X-rays from relativistic flare leptons
1 December 2008 by Alec MacKinnon and Procheta Mallik
Compton scattering makes the Sun visible at high energies, via processes related to the galactic cosmic rays. This is not your ordinary Bremsstrahlung.... Click the title to read more.
89 The Rise and Fall of The Low Energy Cut Off
17 November 2008 by Ewan Dickson and Eduard Kontar
Solar hard X-rays tend to have a power-law distribution in energy, implying infinite photon numbers at low energy (a "soft X-ray catastrophe"). Can we observe what limits this behavior?. Click the title to read more.
88 SEPs Link not Confirmed
3 November 2008 by Gerry Share and Allan Tylka
Yohkoh countrate 06051998.jpg
The spectral evolution of a solar hard X-ray burst may give a clue to the acceleration of solar energetic particles (SEPs). This RHESSI Science Nugget questions the validity of this predictor.. Click the title to read more.
87 The SphinX Instrument on CORONAS-PHOTON
22 October 2008 by Janusz Sylwester and Ken Phillips
CORONAS signing.jpg
An exciting new instrument will begin observations at an exciting time.. Click the title to read more.
86 The Good Guys and the Rascals
13 October 2008 by B. Dabrowski and Arnold Benz
Icon 86.jpg
Solar decimetric radio bursts - but only the good guys - correlate well with RHESSI hard X-rays.. Click the title to read more.
85 RHESSI Optical Images
2008-09-29 by H. Jabran Zahid and Hugh Hudson
RHESSI optical images icon.png
RHESSI makes optical images as well as X-ray and gamma-ray ones. This Nugget explains how.. Click the title to read more.
84 Flare Plasma Abundances - New X-ray Observations
2008-09-15 by Brian Dennis and Richard Starr
Icon 84.jpg
MESSENGER is now exploring Mercury. It is also helping RHESSI to understand the solar X-ray spectrum and measure elemental abundances in flares.. Click the title to read more.
83 [[Hard X-rays from a Jet?]]
2008-08-27 by Hazel Miller Bain and Lyndsay Fletcher
link=Hard X-rays from a Jet?
Observations during the rise phase of a M5.4 flare suggests that hard x-rays may be associated with a jet observed by TRACE.. Click the title to read more.
82 [[Are Stellar Flares like Solar Flares?]]
2008-08-11 by Hugh Hudson and Beate Stelzer
link=Are Stellar Flares like Solar Flares?
In this Nugget, we explore an extrasolar flare (aka stellar flare). These stellar and solar flares are similar but it is often in subtle differences that we may learn the most.. Click the title to read more.
81 [[The Microflare Height Distribution]]
2008-07-28 by Steven Christe and Hugh Hudson
link=The Microflare Height Distribution
Another look at microflare positions.... Click the title to read more.
80 [[The McClymont Jerk]]
2008-07-14 by Hugh Hudson and Brian Welsch
link=The McClymont Jerk
The sudden energy release of a flare in the solar atmosphere has many consequences. One of them may be the McClymont Jerk.. Click the title to read more.

For all previous Nuggets go to the old RHESSI Science Nugget Page.

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