Tohban Report 2016-08-10

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Tohban Reports
Start Date: 3 August 2016
End Date: 10 August 2016
Tohban: Milo Buitrago-Casas
Tohban email:
Next Tohban: TBD
List all reports


Solar Activity

We began the week with a really low solar activity. There were none sunspots on the visible face of the Sun at the end of last week. On the weekend there were a couple of active regions that reached the East Solar limb and hosted several C-class flares as well as two small M-class flares that unfortunately we could not observe with RHESSI since we had all detectors off during that time.

Solar Activity this week was quiet low... bla bla bla

Memory Management

Decimation is normal/vigorous for the full-time period. The SSR is empty. Detectors G3 and G8 were turned off on Wednesday, August 3 at 4:30pm (PST). Detectors G3 and G8 have been turned� on again on Monday, August 8 at 2:10PM (PST). Due to the low solar activity the SSR remains quite empty.

Spacecraft Status

Detectors 3, 8 and 9 are powered on and are recording events. The cold plates, 1 and 2 are at 134.4 and 132.9 K. Detector 9 was turned on 16-207 at 07:06:01 UTC. The cold tip temperatures are 113.1 and 111.1 degrees. Prior to the turn on of D9, the cold tip temperature average was quite stable. The turn on appears to have not affected the temperatures.

We decided to turn detector G9 off in the next days. This is a task for the next Tohban.

Data Gaps

No gaps so far.

Detector issues

We turned off detectors G3 and G8. Now all detectors are off to deal with the high temperatures caused by the variation of the Sun fraction.

Spacecraft Management

Decimation Normal/Vigorous
HLAT Decimation Normal/Vigorous
Night time data (fronts) None
Night time data (rears) None
Require extra passes? Reduced number of passes
Requirement for moving pointer? No
Attenuator operation Nominal
Detector problems? Nominal in the new standard.
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