Property:RHESSI Nugget First Author

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Pages using the property "RHESSI Nugget First Author"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


A new development in the Frost-Dennis paradigm +Hugh Hudson  +
A possible coronal magnetic flare precursor +Enrico LANDI  +
A remarkable, but confused, coronal hard X-ray source +Alexandra Lysenko  +
A slow HOPE with microwave context +Hugh HUDSON  +
A solar X-ray dentist mirror +Eduard Kontar  +
A solar flare driven by thermal conduction observed in mid-infrared +Guillermo GIMÉNEZ de CASTRO  +
A tiny white-light flare +Hugh Hudson  +
Above-the-Looptop Sources +Mitsuo Oka  +
Abundances in Solar Flares +Harry Warren  +
Acceleration of fast halo CMEs & synchronized flare HXR bursts +Manuela Temmer  +
Acceleration without Heating +G. Fleishman  +
Acceleration-region Densities +Säm Krucker  +
Albedo and the modification of RHESSI results +Natasha Jeffrey  +
An Alternative View of the Masuda Flare +Nariaki Nitta  +
An Fe Cascade +Hugh Hudson  +
An Unreported White-light Prominence +Matt Penn  +
An energetic pre-flare: electron distributions in magnetic reconnection outflows +Marina BATTAGLIA  +
Anisotropy of RHESSI hard X-ray emission +Jana Kasparova  +
Annealing RHESSI for the first time +David Smith  +
Annihilation of Positrons +Ron Murphy  +
Antipodal Flares +P. Bill  +
Are stellar flares like solar flares? +Hugh Hudson  +
At last, the EUV Spectrum +Hugh Hudson  +
Aurora-like Radio Emission from a Sunspot +Sijie YU  +
Awesome Stellar Flare Spectra +Adam Kowalski  +
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