Weekly Report 29Oct2010

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Imaging the Albedo with Pixon

Reconstructed Pixon Images were created using detectors 1 thru 4. The detectors with finer grids were used because the original source has a known width of 5 arcsec. The energy band used was 24-51 keV. As an example of the images created the Pixon Image for the source near disk center is below.

The background image is the source near disk center. The contours are the original background image.

The background image is the source near disk center. The contours are the original data map.

The plot below shows shows the profile of the Pixon Image above and the background map as a function of the distance from the brightest pixel. Each point, r, values of flux at that distance. The black points are the Pixon reconstruction, the red points are the original background map.

The plot shows the flux as a function of distance away from the brightest pixel in the image for the Pixon Reconstruction and original data map. The black points are the pixon reconstruction, the red points are the original data map.

The background image varies smoothly from the center and falls to zero. The Pixon Reconstruction shows artifacts that are not present in the original. There is a larger area of flux toward the limb that is not present in the original map. Using the profile as a function of distance from the brightest pixel in the map allows more of the structure to be seen than looking at flux along a line through the image.

The results for all images will be put on the Pixon Results Summary page.

RHESSI Imaging Algorithm Test - Clean

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