SolarCISM Gallery
Movie of a 2D simulation of a flux rope CME
using CISM models
Click on the above image to view an animation of a two-dimensional
simulation of a flux-rope CME, generated in the SAIC coronal
model by helmet streamer shearing and photospheric flux
cancellation, propagating into the ENLIL solar wind model. Animation: D. Odstrcil
Movie from a 3D simulation of an erupted flux rope CME
using CISM coupled coronal and solar wind models
Click on the above image to view an animation of a 3-dimensional
simulation of interplanetary fields disturbed by a flux-rope CME.
The CME was generated in the SAIC coronal
model by helmet streamer shearing and photospheric flux
cancellation, and propagated into the ENLIL solar wind model. Animation: D.
Movie of the interplanetary shock from the 3D simulation of an erupted flux rope CME
shown above.
Click on the above image to view an animation of
the interplanetary shock front generated by the 3-dimensional
flux-rope CME illustrated above.
Animation: D.
Simulation of a magnetic flux tube emerging into
a preexisting potential bipolar field
Top View
Side View
Click on the images to see animated simulations of a flux tube emerging
into a preexisting bipolar field.
These animations (top view and side view) show how a magnetic flux tube
(white lines) initially located below the surface emerging into the
solar atmosphere where a bipolar potential field (red lines) exists. After
emergence the field lines expand rapidly, which strongly push out the
overlying bioplar field lines. A color map at z = 0 shows the vertical
magnetic flux at the surface. The units of length, time, velocity, and
magnetic field are 540 km, 50 s, 11 km/s, and 570 G, respectively.
Animation: T. Magara
Simulation of a magnetic flux tube emerging into
a field-free corona
Side View
Click on the images to see animated simulations of a flux tube emerging
into a preexisting coronal field arcade.
This animation shows the evolution of a twisted flux tube
emerging from below the photosphere into a field-free corona.
The gray and black field lines represent the outer and inner (initially
with the axis) field line of the flux tube. The horizontal map shows the
Animation: T. Magara
3D simulation of a propagating dynamic pressure
in the ENIL solar wind model, with stream structure
for the May 12, 1997 halo CME event
Click on this image to view a movie
from a 3D simulation of a propagating dynamic pressure
pulse with circular cross section in the ENLIL solar wind model.
The background solar wind stream structure and pressure pulse
characteristics have been chosen to represent the May 12, 1997
halo CME event under study. The solar wind boundary conditions are
based on the SAIC coronal model magnetic fields.
Animation: D. Odstrcil