Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT)
GSFC, MPI for Solar System Research, University of Maryland
SIT is a time-of-flight ion mass
spectrometer that measures elemental composition of He-Fe ions over the
energy range ~30 keV/nucleon to 2 MeV/nucleon. The Field of View angles
are 17X44 degrees, with the 44 deg angle in the ecliptic plane,
centered ~60 deg from the spacecraft-Sun line to avoid sunlight while
still intercepting insignificant numbers of Parker Spiral field
controlled energetic ion fluxes The telescope analyzes ions that enter
through thin entrance foils and stop in a solid state detector. A
time-of-flight approach for determining the composition utilizes start
and stop times obtained from secondary electrons entering a
microchannel plate system. The MCP and SSD areas are each 6.0 cm2. The
SIT geometric factor allows study of even small SEP events. |
Boom Suite | SEP Package