An artist's conception of the STEREO spacecrafts studying the Sun |

In-situ science |

The science of IMPACT |

An animation of a period of WIND 3DP data showing evolution of the solar wind electron spectrum with time
(Davin Larson, UC Berkeley) |

FM1 IDPU box (hanging from the top inside surface of the spacecraft frame) on STEREO-A |

Jeremy McCauley with the FM! IMPACT Boom Suite (with SWEA, STE, and MAG FM1s attached). |

Illustration of the "flight time" of the various solar energetic particles detected by IMPACT |
Various images of the Boom Suite
Addtitional IMPACT instrument images


SEPT-E Cartoon


SIT Cartoon




SWEA Cartoon

STEREO pointing at the Sun
(2.06 MB, .mpg)

STEREO spacecrafts separating
(1.37 MB, .mpg)

IMPACT boom deployment
(4.51 MB, .mpg)
STEREO Interviews - Jean-Louis Bougeret

What is SWAVES?
(1.12 MB, .mov)

What is radio astronomy?
(4.45 MB, .mov)

Why two spacecraft?
(3.86 MB, .mov)

International participation in STEREO
(1.52 MB, .mov)

STEREO education and publuc outreach in Europe
(2.99 MB, .mov)
STEREO Interviews - Toni Galvin

What is PLASTIC?
(3.65 MB, .mov)

What does PLASTIC observe?
(5.44 MB, .mov)

International efforts in PLASTIC
(2.72 MB, .mov)

Solar maximum vs. solar minimum
(4.24 MB, .mov)

STEREO education and public outraach effort
(3.43 MB, .mov)
STEREO Interviews - Lika Guhathakurta

Why STEREO is cool
(2.24 MB, .mov)

The importance of STEREO data
(3.92 MB, .mov)
STEREO Interviews - Mike Kaiser

How the SWAVES radion telescope will work
(1.88 MB, .mov)

Why solar events are important
(1.62 MB, .mov)
STEREO Interviews - Janet Luhmann

What will IMPACT do?
(1.62 MB, .mov)

(1.69 MB, .mov)

STEREO and RHESSI compliment each other
(1.55 MB, .mov)

CMEs vs. solar flares
(5.04 MB, .mov)

Solar energetic particle events
(5.91 MB, .mov)

Getting a 3D perspective
(2.47 MB, .mov)

STEREO makes the Sun accessable
(3.13 MB, .mov)

Living with a dynamic star
(3.02 MB, .mov)
STEREO Interviews - Chris St. Cyr

The Goal of STEREO
(1.23 MB, .mov)

How is STEREO unique?
(1.29 MB, .mov)

Why STEREO is exciting
(1.55 MB, .mov)

Why is STEREO important to the general public?
(5.04 MB, .mov)

STEREO creates an artificial solar eclipse
(5.91 MB, .mov)

The eclipse experience
(2.47 MB, .mov)